Our Services

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Consulting

We provide various services to support to CSR activities of companies.. We offer our services in collaboration with BSR, who are Global leaders in Sustainability and CSR strategies and solutions. BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) is a NPO, Head Quartered in San Francisco.

Service Overview

Conflict mineral handling support

Minerals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its surrounding areas have become the source of funding for armed groups that regularly commit atrocities. Given the lack of a transparent minerals supply chain, American consumers had no way to ensure that their purchases are not indirectly financing these armed groups. However, with the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act which brought the most significant changes to financial regulations in the USA, listed companies in the USA are now obliged to produce a report annually with information on the source of minerals being used inside the company.

To make the report on Conflict minerals, it is critical for companies to track down the source of supply for minerals used by them either as raw material for production or when buying components from suppliers where in the components are made out of minerals.

BSR has been conducting research on Conflict minerals since the last two years and offers consulting in dealing with conflict minerals issue. We, CMO Worldwide, in collaboration with BSR, provide support to companies in dealing with the Conflict minerals issue.

BSR’s home page link on dealing with Conflict mineral s issue:

Sustainability report creation support

BSR has rich experiences in creating Sustainability/CSR reports for companies around the world. Especially, BSR specializes in providing guidance on what kind of content and in which manner, a global company should disseminate information in its Sustainability/CSR report, as per global standards. BSR provides recommendations on future of sustainability reporting, including perspectives on the GRI, the IIRC.

CSR activity support.

For companies which are expanding overseas, we provide CSR activity support locally at the target destination country.

CSR Strategy Design

We, in collaboration with BSR, support companies in designing CSR Strategy in the following areas:

Consumer Activities

Sustainable products design

Strategy and Road map for implementing a view of sustainability into product design

Sustainability solutions

ICT solution research by using the BSR’ network of the companies where ICT is not deployed

About Human rights Appropriate Evaluation of Human rights issues Identifying key Human rights issue first and devising the strategy to address the same
Supply Chain Management Consulting between a Suppliers and Factories, Capacity building etc.
Climate change Climate change Strategy for addressing the different aspects of Climate change
IT and Development IT and Women's issues Review of Services for women to get work using IT
Development IT solution research by using the BSR’ network of the companies where IT is not deployed